
Harvest Bounty?

Here is the fall version of our garden. We started it out with such enthusiasm and high hopes! We sacrificed a lot to get it put together, watered and taken care of every day. I wish we had a picture of it at its prime! It was full and green and we had enough vegetables coming in to feed us for awhile. But then...life happened. Andrew started working 10 hours five to six days a week and Rachel was working 12 hours or more in her classroom and our poor garden was left to its own devices. We're surprised it turned out this well actually. As you can see we have a beautiful sunflower and cute little pumpkin...plus a lot of dead corn stalks and bean plants. I wish the hanging flower basket on our front stoop fared as well without water as the garden did. =(


Travis and Brittany said...

Thats exactly what happened to our garden. It was doing so so so good then it kinda died! Oh well ita was fun while it lasted!

Anonymous said...

haha, my flowers out front are a prime example of not getting watered to;) We love your garden, atleast you have one!

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