

We spent the week reading about Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure. (If you haven't watched the movie about this true, incredibly inspiring survival story, put it on your Netflix queue today.) As a super fast, easy culminating activity, we made these penguins:

TP Roll wrapped in black construction paper, a white tummy, black wings, and a face. Some added feet too. I provided no templates...just scrap paper. The kids took care of the rest. 

They were displayed on a simple bulletin board with a map I enlarged on the copier and photographs of other Antarctic animals. 

Easy peasy.


Nick and Sarah Leonard said...
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Nick and Sarah Leonard said...

These penguins are so cute and I LOVE how your house is coming along. I wish I could see it in person. We are building a small house this summer. Right now I'm planning on painting the walls gray so I was excited to see it in the pictures of your house! It looks beautiful. I love your ideas on Pinterest. You may have noticed I've repined a TON of them!

Anonymous said...

just dropping by to say hey

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