We've made a fun group of friends over the last year and half. We have spent many Sunday afternoons at one
another's homes eating dinner and playing board games (
Yay Cranium!). The Blevins are getting ready to move to CHINA! and so we thought we'd get together for a last
hoorah...and make ginger bread houses! Saturday afternoon, everyone gathered at our home: The
Hayashis, The
Grimmers, The Blevins, and us.
This is the Ashmore creation. I was glad to have Andrew's home building experience on our side!
Another view of the front. I was covered in frosting by the time we finished. If you look closely, you can even see frosting in my hair.

The back view. We were pretty pleased with ourselves.
The Grimmer creation! (In the background you can see the Hayashis and little Ashlyn.)

Here's Amanda Grimmer hyper on sugar. =) I just love the twirly
licorice designs.
Hayashi Creation: The
Candyland Temple.

And the
Blevin's creation...or what's left of it. It actually looked pretty cool before it fell over. =(

Here is Katrina Blevins, brand-new baby Chloe, and Andrew...stuffing his face. =)
it was so much fun! Thanks for having us!!
hey I know that Amanda!!! she dated a friend of ours a few years ago, so funny to see her on you blog, tell her hi for me...if she remembers me, I have a freakeshly good memory when it comes to people
So this comment has nothing to do with your houses, although they are cool. I just wanted to tell Andrew that the floor in the background looks great! Love you guys! Only a week and a half left!!!! YEAH!!!!!
Oh that was so much fun! It's gonna be crazy without the Blevins but we will still have lots of fun:)
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