We sure love them. Hopefully next time, we'll have more time to spend with 'em.
We played every car game known to man: Alphabet Game, Twenty Questions, Rhyming Game, I'm Going on a Trip, Fortunately-Unfortunately...
Several of these games had me laughing so hard!
...whether they knew it or not.
While playing a game in the back:
Don't put your elbow there...it's in the way.
Can I put it here?
Well, you can't put your elbow there either!
Fine! Neither of us will put our elbow there!
I think that's about how it went down.
Then it turned in to the wee hours of the morning, and I slept. Somewhere in the middle of the dark, empty state of Montana, I woke up to Lane and Ryan beginning a game in the front seat:
I spy with my little eye, something that is...
...Something that is....
Never mind. You can't see anything out here.
I smiled before drifting back to sleep.
Nothing like brotherly love.

But they did come together that night to create a fabulous Japanese dinner! Yakisoba and gyoza. Mmmm....
We were sad to see them go.
. .
what a trip!! :) glad you had fun!!
ok ok ok, those were indeed the things we said on the trip, but as for the "snuggling", that could not be furtherr from the truth. I am under the covers and he was trying to snuggle. :)
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