Having siblings move to Rexburg has been lots of fun...but it has come with its trials. The most trying has been the dirty dishes. More specifically...the cups.
It is really quite miraculous the transformation our kitchen sink underwent after two more joined our ranks. Rebecca doesn't live with us technically, but sometimes she might as well.
For example, in one evening of being all together, our kitchen sink will hold approximately two hundred fifty dirty cups. I didn't even know we owned that many cups! When it was just the two of us, Andrew and I could share a single cup for an entire day. With everyone, we never knew who just used what cup, so we would just get out another one...and another...and another. This sudden onslaught of cups had the potential to drive me insane.
One day, when I came upon a four pack of cups for a buck at the grocery store, I knew it was fate. I bought them, brought them home, and presented to everyone at Family Home Evening my very own plan of happiness: personalize your cup with permanent marker, use only that cup, wash that cup, and don't dare even touch another dern cup from the cabinet. Brilliant, I tell you.
Here's what each person ended up with:
Rachel. Author of this blog. Hater of dirty cups, men opening the fridge for no reason a thousand times a day, and crows. Taker of showers that always last as long as the hot water does.
Rebecca. Writer, reader, and random singer of Disney songs. Strange mix of peace and insanity.
.This is hers. Feeling the need to point out the "Princess Awesome" lining the bottom.
Lane. Lover of Japan, Netflix, and potato soup. Sleep talker extraordinaire...
...And apparently very cool.
Anywho. It's been gloriously successful thus far. Goodbye, dishwasher loads entirely made up of cups. I won't miss you a bit.
1 comment:
this cracks me up! way to problem solve.
I'm almost positive Jeff's cup would look just like Andrew's (except say Jeff).
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