At this charming old house, built over a hundred years ago...
This year, tents of the contestants dotted the beautiful backyard--for this tournament was too great to be held in one day, and many had traveled long distances to attend.

On a side note, this is the toad, that lived in the pond, that nearly drove all of us insane. For the record, a toad's mating call is not a pleasant sound.

The competitors participated in many events over the next few days: kickball, field goal kicking, skeet shooting, beanbag toss, whiffle ball baseball, and other games I can't remember the names of.
But who were they kidding? No one was to outscore Amy's amazing skills.
Even the animals took part in the competition.
Andrew, stop it! Get out of my picture!
I apologize. Let me try that again.
At this charming old house, built over a hundred years ago, Uncle Doug and Aunt Cathy host the annual Jolley Outdoor Games every Memorial Day weekend.
These games are serious business. Careful scores are kept, brackets organize the teams, and competition is fierce.
But there is only one winner.
Only one privileged family member with the honor...the glory...and the trophy on their mantle.
Why hello, Becca.
Blue skies over the canopy, trellises, gazebo, pond, grape vines, and gardens set the stage for the distinguished event.
This shaded corner of the yard was to be our domain. It had a view.
We woke up to this in the morning.
And Cupcake here, stared from the fence into our tent for much of the afternoon.
That first day, I was pleased to see Uncle Chris saunter past in a sombrero. I suddenly knew this weekend had to be a good one.
In his defense, for those who not impressed by the headgear, Chris begets beautiful children. Meet Rachel Marie.
This was me. Notice how full of hope and anticipation! So lighthearted and optimistic! So occupied by lofty dreams of wealth and glory! I would conquer all!
How naive I was...
The first contest was a rousing competition of Frisbee golf. After the course was carefully arranged with obstacles of varying degrees, and Frisbees were inspected to meet proper requirements, the games began.
The course wrapped around the house. My stress level mounted as it soon became clear: I would be losing this event somethin' terrible.
Here, Lane, Becca, and Andrew watch and prepare for the beanbag toss.
At about this point, I was disappointed to find that Uncle Chris had opted for a new hat. Cool...but not nearly as cool as before.
But then, after multiple qualifying rounds, the Jolley family hula-hoop championship commenced. It was to be a bitter fight between the opponents Arial, Celeste, and...
After an honorable attempt, Arial was the first to fall. She joined the cheering crowd.
And now there were two. Pressure was mounting, as distractions were fired from the taunting spectators.
I shall call him kitty and he shall be mine. And he shall be my kitty.
Cue the suspenseful music, please.
(Becca is looking way too cocky here.)
But finally, after 25 minutes of hip twirling, there was victory at last!
Are you curious about the strangeness of this image? For lack of a better name, this activity is called...the giant-stretchy-pink-thing-of-death! 
...until two people switch places hurtling the next two people to opposite sides of the stretchy circle. This goes on and on, at increasingly dangerous speeds until...
Near the end, many were feeling the effects of prolonged sun exposure. Exhaustion and sunburns were setting in to the point that I would have done anything for Chris' sombrero. I settled for this lovely topper instead.
It was perfect.
Apart from providing the joy of an extreme sport, this baby does a fabulous job of showing off the figures of its participants. =)
Four people get inside and stretch away from one another...
It's great fun!
I love this post! It describes the games so well! I may link it on my blog so I don't have to do my own post, if you don't mind.
Rachel, your blog is super-duper!
That is so awesome! I want to steal those ideas!
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