
I just started class #3 in my graduate program. I hate that all of my free time outside of work is spent writing papers. Only five more classes to go...
I survived Back to School Night. There's something about giving a presentation to twenty-something sets of parents that makes me want to crawl whimpering under the covers.
I walked into the house recently, to find a coffee table sitting in our living room. We've never had a coffee table sitting in our living room before. Andrew had built it and brought it home from work for me, still exuding a strong smell of lacquer. Isn't it beautiful?
Ignore the squatter sleeping on my couch.
School started again for BYU-Idaho.
This brings traffic, a crowded Wal-Mart, and certain little sisters back from Arizona. I missed said sister mucho. Here she is getting moved in to her new apartment.


Those were my Huskies!! It's too bad they played pitifully.... :(
Oh man- I'm so incredible jealous! I wish WE could go on an impromptu drive to Provo to watch a football game! I miss BYU football so much... I hope you cheered hard and loud for me ;)
Oh man- I'm so incredible jealous! I wish WE could go on an impromptu drive to Provo to watch a football game! I miss BYU football so much... I hope you cheered hard and loud for me ;)
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