This story about Vivian Maier has fascinated me to no end!
Watch the video clip below for the juicy details, but let me fill you in on the basics:
- Thousands of old negatives and rolls of undeveloped film discovered in storage a few years ago
- Man buys them all at an auction and begins sorting through the boxes
- Stunned by the beautiful street photography he finds
- Begins scanning and archiving images never seen by anyone
- Discovers a name: Vivian Maier
- Googles her and comes up with an obituary...from a few days before!
- Through research, finds her to be a private, family-less, old maid nanny
- She spent spare time on the streets of Chicago with an old film camera during the 60's
- Word gets out about this discovery
- Art exhibitions, documentaries, book offers, and movie offers follow
- Only a fraction of the images have been scanned--there are so many!
- Scanning process continues daily
- Every so often, a new, amazing image will be posted on THIS BLOG.
Her photography captures such a unique life from such a distinct time period. And I am in love with her style: pictures of real people, living real life. No posing, or lights, or editing. Just naturally beautiful.
Here are a few favorites that have been developed thus far:
(Check out vivianmaier.blogspot.com for the rest.)


{Make anyone else think of Charlie & the Chocolate Factory?}


{poor thing...}

{fantastic perspective...love the shadow framing the women}


{hard day? too much to drink?}

{what a coat!}
{classic look}

{lovely silhouette}

{neighborhood fun}

{Now days, these girls would be chatting through Facebook}

{love the light hitting that adorable expression}

{hello there}


{ya gotta go when ya gotta go}

{He looks slightly baffled over what to do with it}

{Isn't the cigar awesome?}

{such sweet, innocent faces!}

{pick a little, talk a little...}

{lovely lighting on the walls}

{Wowza, what a shawl}

{another classic woman}

{wise, wrinkled face}

{oh. my. goodness. absolutely stunning.}

{i wanna hear the music!}

{one of my very favorites}
Each one tells an amazing story. What are your favorites?
1 comment:
Those are incredible. Every single one.
I especially like the one of the couple holding hands and the one of the women on the stairs chatting.
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