Driving through miles of potato fields, and were it not for fences, there would be no way to tell where earth ended and sky began. Everything around us was white, white, white.

The falling, blowing snow made driving slightly difficult on this lonely highway.

We soon came across a little car that had slid off the road and gotten stuck in a snowbank. Its occupants were attempting to dig themselves out with snowboards.

See the sign peeking out of the top of the pile? I thought this might give you an idea how much snow there was once we reached the mountains.

After an hour drive, we reached the Grand Targhee Ski Resort in...er...Wydaho, U.S.A.

Being the first day of my spring break, Andrew got work off for some half-price snowboarding.
I ask, what could be better than combining snowboarding with half-price? I know not.

We enjoyed thirty inches worth of new powder...on deserted slopes. People must have assumed the snow would be lousy this late in the season.
Boy, were they wrong.
Boy, were they wrong.

Most snowboarders lead with their left foot. We discovered I should be leading with my right, and changed my bindings accordingly. A a result, my progress was exponential! I keep dreaming about going back as soon as humanly possible.

We came across some folks who preferred an alternative way of enjoying the snowfall.

This gal, moments after taking the picture, rolled around in a fresh snow-pile before jumping back in the pool.

Driving home at the end of the day, we came across others who weren't deterred by the spring storm.

Spud farmers, up to their ankles in mud, prepare for the fast-approaching planting season.

As we descended back into Rexburg, I couldn't help think of those celebrating a wild spring break on beaches in Florida. And here I was, perfectly content to enjoy the effects of a snowstorm on spud fields with my love, from the middle seat of a Dodge pick-up...ha!
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