That weekend the walls went up so fast, the Ashmore clan had driven up from Utah to help out. With eight visitors, our current little home was bursting at the seams.

The boys slept in a tent in the backyard {something I doubt they minded}, because the guest room and the living were both taken.
Andrew thought it would be hilarious to surround their tent with our collection of baby trees. We only offer the most realistic camping experiences here at our place.
Andrew thought it would be hilarious to surround their tent with our collection of baby trees. We only offer the most realistic camping experiences here at our place.

It was fun to see the family affair our home building turned into: men raising walls...woman providing food...nieces getting the garage built...
I felt like we all should have worn coordinating plaid shirts and ended the day with a whoopin' square dance.
But in all seriousness, everyone's pitching in put a special mark on this new home of ours.
I felt like we all should have worn coordinating plaid shirts and ended the day with a whoopin' square dance.
But in all seriousness, everyone's pitching in put a special mark on this new home of ours.

While the men worked, the ladies spent the day roasting in our non-air conditioned home. Ninety-five. flippin. degrees.
To illustrate my point, poor pregnant Gabe woke up from an afternoon nap and promptly stuck her head in my freezer.
To illustrate my point, poor pregnant Gabe woke up from an afternoon nap and promptly stuck her head in my freezer.

I though it was a camera-worthy moment.

Lucky for us, Idaho tends to drop thirty degrees the moment the sun sets. So we spent our evenings eating on the red picnic table, lounging on the grass, and playing with explosives.
Andrew and I shot Harry Potter spells at each other with our magic sparkler wands, before the guys experimented with how dangerously close they could shoot bottle rockets off without losing an eye.
In case you were wondering, we all survived the weekend. And we're excited to have the boys here again to help with the roof soon...hopefully, with lower temperatures this time!
Andrew and I shot Harry Potter spells at each other with our magic sparkler wands, before the guys experimented with how dangerously close they could shoot bottle rockets off without losing an eye.
In case you were wondering, we all survived the weekend. And we're excited to have the boys here again to help with the roof soon...hopefully, with lower temperatures this time!
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