

Andrew was assigned to watch this video for his Family Relations class. He enjoyed it so much, he called me in to watch it with him that evening. Basically, I laughed til I cried. I recommend watching this with your spouse if they're around. It'll make it even funnier.



I love the way this dude illustrates what goes on in my head with the buzzing, emotional strings...connected...to...EVERY-THING! I couldn't have explained it better myself. It's impossible for me to stop all the buzzing and connecting and emoting going on ALL THE TIME! I swear, being a girl is utterly...exhausting!

As for Andrew and this "nothing box," I'm not so sure. He goes stark crazy doing "nothing." If he has nothing to do, Andrew'll start pacing the house like a caged animal. But as for the boxes not touching each other...holy cow. My man is definitely a one-track-mind kind of guy. He'll become obsessed with one idea until it is resolved and put away forever. Whereas for me, because everything is so interconnected, I don't think I could focus on only one thing, like, ever. I tried once. My brain nearly exploded.
Can anyone relate?
*If you're interested, check out the other clips by this guy on YouTube.


Andrea said...

I am in a moms group and our last 2 meetings were dedicated to watching this video. So true, this guy knows the womans brain!
my favorite part was when he said, "the man's brain is simple..._ _ _, simple." That made me laugh really hard!

Kristin said...

I've never really noticed the compartmentalized part of Holland (because he's always keeping up with the things that I'm thinking of), so I didn't really get this until the last part when he was talking about the "nothing box." That is SO true for Holland. It amazes/frustrates/annoys me EVERY time when I ask him what he's thinking and he says, "Nothing," because I don't (and still don't!!! Stickin' to my guns.) think it's true that you can think of nothing at all. And also, doing mindless things for hours???? Hello Halo.

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