We recently flew up to Washington to join the Ashmores for an extra special family vacation. Our first flight took us from Idaho Falls to Salt Lake City, where we had a two-hour layover.
My pictures don't begin until the Salt Lake Airport.
Before this point, I had not been awake long enough to be fully functional (our first flight was reeeeally early).
There's not much to do in an airport for two hours but
There's not much to do in an airport for two hours but
watch people and eat...both activities I highly enjoy, so it wasn't bad.
I started out on my trail mix
{and slapping Andrew's hand each time
he tried to put his raisins back in the bag}...
I was quite content with my yummy, healthy snack UNTIL...the scent of the nearby Cinnamabon lured me with its gooey, calorie-filled goodness! I gave in. Andrew and I split one.
It turned out to be a pretty
good day for people watching:
a guy in a turban (don't see many turbans in Rexburg)
90+ old couple holding hands
an Indian lady with a red dot on her forehead
the cutest smiley baby ever
red necked Cowboys
a Catholic priest
LDS missionaries
a basketball team
rich couple with bling like you wouldn't believe
dread-locked Jamaican gangsta
and his mini-me son
a guy in a turban (don't see many turbans in Rexburg)
90+ old couple holding hands
an Indian lady with a red dot on her forehead
the cutest smiley baby ever
red necked Cowboys
a Catholic priest
LDS missionaries
a basketball team
rich couple with bling like you wouldn't believe
dread-locked Jamaican gangsta
and his mini-me son
But then we were on our way to Seattle!
We sat next to the Indian lady who as it turned out, didn't speak English. But she was very nice. After a few rounds of charades, I was able to:
direct her to the bathroom, help her with her seat belt, learn her name {couldn't even say it then, so don't ask me to repeat it now}, introduce my husband {explaining that I love him very much...she laughed}, and discover this was her 2nd trip to the U.S.
the view from our window over The Great Salt Lake
For the rest of the flight, Andrew and I read, watched sitcoms on the mini screen {without sound}, and took naps. Finally, we emerged from the clouds to a view of the city below.
I couldn't get over how green it was! The fact that it was raining--and kept raining for several more days--probably had something to do with it.
But then we were on our way to Seattle!
We sat next to the Indian lady who as it turned out, didn't speak English. But she was very nice. After a few rounds of charades, I was able to:
direct her to the bathroom, help her with her seat belt, learn her name {couldn't even say it then, so don't ask me to repeat it now}, introduce my husband {explaining that I love him very much...she laughed}, and discover this was her 2nd trip to the U.S.
the view from our window over The Great Salt Lake
For the rest of the flight, Andrew and I read, watched sitcoms on the mini screen {without sound}, and took naps. Finally, we emerged from the clouds to a view of the city below.
I couldn't get over how green it was! The fact that it was raining--and kept raining for several more days--probably had something to do with it.
Dad and the boys were there to pick us up.
Good thing the rain wouldn't be affecting our
super awesome vacation plans...
1 comment:
I love reading your blog. You have such a way of making me feel like I'm right there with you! Don't I say that every time I comment? Hope you have fun on your vacation!
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