I just lay in bed enjoying the morning until 9:00. Then I got up and ate cookies for breakfast.
This was partly out of celebration(no work), partly because they were easy access on the table, and partly because no one would have to deal with the hyper sugar rush that would follow, but me.
At least until 5:30.
I recently used my Christmas gift card at Barnes and Noble, to buy a certain favorite movie of mine. I tried to watch it with Andrew last night, but fell asleep around 9:30. I think Spring Break has been a long time coming.
.So this morning, I watched it again. Okay, fine. .Twice. .The second time was with commentary.
But the day wasn't entirely unproductive. At Barnes and Noble, I had also bought a recipe binder that now needed to be put together. My stacks of hastily scrawled note cards have quickly become unruly. It took both viewings of Nemo, before all of my favorite recipe cards were carefully organized.
After a lunch of (ahem) cookies, I sat in the window, pondering with delight the green splashes beginning to appear in random corners of our lawn. But then, I watched as unexpected snow flurries worked to cover them up. Not even our tiki torches escaped the new blanket of snow. .Spring: so close, and yet so far.
But then, our friendly, neighborhood UPS guy saved the day with an unexpected delivery!...
Someone must know me very well. Oh, how I love tulips!
I was happy to be celebrating spring indoors, even if Mother Nature wasn't cooperating without.
Alright...this may be getting extreme. But I can hardly help it! I love them. As I type this, I pause every few moments, just to gaze at the vase sitting next to my computer.
.Yes. Somehow, the tulips managed to find themselves in this photo as well. But I did mention how I love them, right? Anyway...I digress.
A few hours later, Andrew greeted me at the door, bearing the contents of our mailbox. This included a much anticipated package from a much admired dress-making-company! (the contents of which, will have to wait for another post...)
Now I am off to deal with this sugar-induced headache . I think a candle-lit bath is in order. Note to self: Make oatmeal for breakfast tomorrow.
Until tomorrow then!
I love Shabby Apple, but am always so hesitant to buy 1things online. I can't wait until I can see what you got!!!!
The flowers are from me. I'm sorry I neglected to state my name with the greeting. I'm glad you like them, I want you to have a bright Easter. Love you both -Mom
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