I thought I'd give you a better idea of what our property consists of. I'll do my best to make this weed-filled piece of dirt entertaining for you folks at home.

I love views of rolling farmland behind the trees.

If I zoom in a bit--depending upon where I stand on the property, there's a clear shot of the temple.
Hopefully, we have this from our back windows.

Now, what I'm about to show you is not on any land we own, but it's still really, really cool. And it takes less than a minute to walk there from our property.

Behind us is this big open field.
{Do you like how I helped you visualize where our house will be?}

If you walk across the field and reach these trees...

...you'll find a little path.

If you follow it--in a matter of seconds--you'll come across the Teton River!

Just think of the adventures to be had back here!
This week, we saw a red fox darting through the trees. The neighbors say we'll probably see all kinds of wildlife wandering into our yards from the river. I won't mind the occasional moose or raccoon.
I just can't handle anymore run-ins with muskrat. My last encounter left permanent emotional scarring.
Anyway. Besides that, does this give you a clearer picture of why we're so excited? Hooray!
Congratulations! I'm excited to see what you guys will make of your space!
Wow! Congrats! It is beautiful!
Wow! Congratulations! That is awesome and beautiful and I am sooo jealous! ;-)
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