With Andrew working from sun-up to sun-down to work full-time AND build us a house, we take advantage of every opportunity to be together.
About 6am Saturday morning, Andrew needed to drive to Ashton and pick up a skid steer to work on our lot. I dragged my behind out of bed to accompany him.
Now that's love.

We watched the sunrise and talked about our ideas for the house.
{Upon seeing this picture, Andrew laughed and said: You look all pretty and I look like a...hick! I made sure to give him a kiss for saying I was pretty. I mean, that's definitely a behavior I want to encourage for the future. And just so you know ladies, positive reenforcement when training husbands works like a charm.}

The skid steer was at this old house that Andrew is doing a major remodeling overhaul on for work.

Old houses have such charm. Especially when there's a red barn in the back. Have I mentioned that I love red barns?

This particular house also has quite the view.

Andrew's always excited to show me his work projects.

And I'm always happy to see them!

So he gave me the grand tour.
The place is stripped to the barest of bones.

There's something strangely beautiful about aged wood and plaster.

And early morning sun streaming through it all.

There's also something about a construction site that makes me wistful somehow.

It may be because I was around them so much as a kid.
Just the smell brings me back every time.

Then we hooked the skid steer up to the truck and headed back to Rexburg. Andrew had a long day of digging ahead of him.
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