I love this man. He's so good to me.
Modern-day medicine is such a blessing. Something that would have a killed a girl like me 100 years ago is now diagnosed and taken care of within a few hours. Miraculous!
This is Amanda Grimmer. She makes the most incredible Shepherd's Pie I have ever experienced. I ate it for every meal until it was gone, because nothing we had sounded as good. Even Andrew, who isn't usually a fan of Shepherd's Pie loved this stuff. Thanks for bringing it by.
(I will grovel at your feet for the recipe later.)

I received the Planet Earth series for Christmas. We were introduced to it by our Avenius friends, and it was love at first sight. These DVDs are amazing! They kept me occupied for neary a week.

This is my (usually) angel sister. She came up from Provo to spend four days with me just as Andrew had to go back to school. She cooked and cleaned and waited on me the entire time.
(To think I've been trying to get her to do this our entire lives!)
We also talked and talked (the way only sisters can), got me hooked on "The Office" (a show I had never really seen before), watched movies, and laughed a whole heck of a lot.

These amazing little inventions I could never have lived without for the first few weeks of this year. The amount of water I was supposed to be drinking plus the fact that I had to be laying down 24/7 would not have mixed otherwise.

Flowers...cards in the mail...phone calls from loved ones...they can sure make a girl feel special.
Hi, Rachel! Thanks for find me! I'm adding your blog to my list! You do a neat job!
I hope you are well soon! I'm glad you're surrounded by wonderful people to take care of you.
hey! hope what ever happened to you is over and you are doing better now! isnt planet earth just amazing? we have it too and i love it cause we put it in, get distracted and then tune out, so everytime I watch a DVD i see something new!:) its nice to have ADD...or a baby, basically the same thing.
Hey good to hear you're up and about again. You have such a great attitude about things;recognizing all that you're grateful for. Some days it catches you and it truly is astounding how much we have to be grateful for. Anyhow, come over sometime and watch the office with us. We got hooked too, but dont share that love with anyone else, so good to know you are part of that club. Well, call us when you have time to hang. take care
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