A favorite memory with my Dad:
I was so excited to go to this Daddy-Daughter Country Western Dance. As we were leaving at the end of the night, I begged Dad to keep dancing the new steps I had learned even after we were in the dark parking lot.
Favorite Game to Play with Dad:
(probably because he has yet to beat me...much to his chagrin)

Favorite Bedtime Song Sang by Dad:
" Home on the Range"
Favorite Treat Made by Dad:
Air-popped popcorn. He is the King. To this day, it is probably my favorite treat.
Favorite Words of Wisdom from Dad:
"If you're gonna be a turd go lay in the yard."
A Favorite Hobby of Dad's:
No Further Comment.
We went on A LOT of road trips with Dad growing up. I can just picture it now:
Ritz Crackers, Smarties, Books on Tape, The Moody Blues, Taco Bell, Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing battle songs, and Frequent Stops to take Pictures of old houses. Also, Dad has an unnatural love for wildlife. He would risk sweeping across lanes of oncoming traffic and killing us all rather than miss getting the herd of deer at the side of the road in his headlights to watch them bound away. I have to admit that he passed this on to me. I get irrationally excited when I see something like a deer, wolf, or hawk in the wild.

Becca, Aurora, Dad, and Me
Favorite Presents from Dad:
He totally made these himself ...along with a wooden car mat pieced together to make either a painted city or a green countryside depending on which side we chose. This came with painted wooden block buildings too. SO COOL. As kids, Becca and I had all of these wooden people carefully named, divided into families, and imagined personalities developed for each.
I'd have to agree with Aria on this one: Thumbs up for Dad. He's alright.
Hey DAD! I just wanted to wish you a Happy Father's day, I tell you how much you mean to me...In my Eagle Court Interview, they asked me who my heros were and my reply was, "my dad." I attribute all that I am and love to you (and mom of course).

My love for the outdoors came from DAD! Hunting, fishing, camping, water sports...I just loved being with him!

and because of Dad, I never want to grow a mustache...

Besides Bishopric and High Council, I can't think a single calling dad had outside of scouting! It was always fun to have him around.

Dad NEVER missed a single wrestling match...He would spent the whole day at the tournament; updating his bracket every hour. Even with all the noise of cheering fans and yelling coaches, He was the only voice I heard.
Love it! You made me cry Roo! I am so thankful for dad too. I love the part regarding the wrestling tournaments, he (and mom) were always there cheering us on....even on their anniversary! He was sooo supportive in anything we did. We LOVE you dad!
Hahahaha!! I love Rachel's dad's quoote! hahahahaha!
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