(see Lane, Becca, and Andrew?)
I'll call this one: Bubblin' Blue.
I'll call it: The Orange Steamy.
I'll call it...never mind. It was very beautiful...they all looked the same.
Becca and I in front of another steaming' hot spring.
A geyser.
Next, we visited this place. A series of clear hot springs emptying into this lake.
It all looked like a strange mix of the Caribbean, with its white beaches, and Alaska, with its snow capped mountains. (Do you see the hot spring caldera?)
...Not to mention the COLD wind! Don't let the sunshine deceive you.
We found a black bear,
This spot was fun because three rivers joined together into one. We sat there a long time enjoying the view.
We were enthralled.
Or maybe we were just happy to be out of the car. It's hard to tell.
Lane's hero shot.
I took this picture with Travis and Brittany in mind. But mostly Travis. He and Andrew got WAY TOO CLOSE for comfort about three years back. I cringe every time I think about it.
But I probably would have been thrown in jail. And fined more money than I'll make my entire career. They're pretty strict about stuff like that here.
We should know. Becca almost got arrested for eating her tuna fish sandwich on the board walk.
In Yellowstone, you see LOTS and LOTS of buffalo. But after awhile, they lose all of their appeal, because they don't so anything.
So I was excited to see these two big bulls fight. I though it was interesting to watch them paw the ground, snort, and butt heads.
And again, we barely avoided the weather that could have been made our trip super miserable. Just as we were back in the Jeep and leaving the park, heavy raindrops began to fall. I'm thinking that the rainbow the day before was our lucky charm.
Near the end of the day, we finally say our heart's desire: A grizzly bear and her cub!
Well, sort of. It was REeeeALLY far away.
Signing out,
Yellowstone Navigator
I love it!! We so need to go to Yellowstone again! In fact we just need to hang out again! We are now in Utah so we will try and make our way up there! We want to get famiy pics taken so maybe we can find a time to do that :)
Totally! We'd love to see you guys. Give us a call when you're in town!
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