

I bought a Christmas wreath for an amazing 50% off deal at the local craft store. I am head-over-heals and believe it only the beginning of what is to be a long, lovely relationship. Isn't it gorgeous?

It has been a very wet, drippy, slushy week. Rexburg can't decide whether to snow or rain or sleet. It changes its mind every couple of hours. 

I suppose the weather has a lot to do with the fact that this dinner was simply glorious. Aren't soup bowls the coziest of meals? 

We are having such a fun time designing a house! Andrew uses AutoCAD to draw up our sketches, before we analyze, discuss, and revise again. After months of drafts we are almost there. Just a few more kinks to iron out. It'll be a small, Craftsman style, 3-bedroom home. 

It sure is fun to have a builder for a husband, because even on our modest budget, he can do most everything himself. This allows for us to afford some pretty little extras. I've had trims, cabinets, wood, and paint on the brain for awhile now, so I'll have to share the decor ideas I've gathered soon. We'd like to start the process in the next six months or so, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

Spencer and Celeste said...

How exciting! Have fun choosing all the little details of your new house!

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