

The final day before Christmas vacation (a Monday), was going to be a total bust. And then I got a substitute to cover my class on top of that because Andrew and I wanted to celebrate graduation/anniversary in style. SO, my lesson plans basically consisted of watching holiday movies...one being A Muppet Christmas Carol. The kids wrote letters after the show and this one made me laugh out loud:

Dear Scrooge,

You were not very nice. We were glad the ghosts came to see you and help you be nice. That was nice of you to bring the turkey to Bob's family. That was sad you didn't get married but we hope you fall in love someday.

*Mary and Suzie

*Names have been changed to protect the innocent. =)

1 comment:

Sandy -- As Told By Mommy said...

That is the cutest thing ever and my feelings about A Christmas Carol summed up into a little note. Love it!!


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