

Please give your opinion. I can't decide on an area rug for the front room. Should I go calm and neutral? Or bold and contemporary? I need your input before I spend a bunch of money tomorrow. 

 Black and white with triangles from Urban Outfitters.

 The blue and white version.

 Jute from either IKEA or World Market. 

 Black and white stripes from World Market.

White Moroccan from World Market. 

Thank you!


Chantal said...

First one for sure! The black and white is the perfect balance in the room :)

Chantal said...

First one for sure! The black and white is the perfect balance in the room :)

markandjenny said...

Your taste is lovely, so asking for the opinions of us lesser folk may not be wise! However, I love the last one. It is interesting without being overpowering and I think it goes so well with all the colors you have in there, including your wall!

Sandy -- As Told By Mommy said...

I like the last one best and then the first one second best :-)

jerri said...

I would choose #4 - balances it all out.

Cher said...

The easiest on the eyes are the jute and the white moroccan

Anonymous said...

I like the White Moroccan and the blue and white rug. I think the White Moroccan is more interesting than the jute, but still neutral for a calm feeling. I also like the colour infusion of the blue and white. Can you buy 2 or 3 rugs and see how they look in the room and then return the others? I personally have a really hard time choosing things if I can't see them in their actual location. Maybe go with your gut - which one strikes you as being your favourite? I agree, you have great taste, so trust it! Sharon B.

Anonymous said...

White Moroccan or World Market

basicallybrandy said...

Hey Rachel!

I love your blog! I tagged you in the Liebster Award Nominations and would love for you to answer the questions!

Please visit my blog to see my answers and the questions I hope you will answer!!! :)



GreenCanary said...

I'd choose the second one. It pairs with the blues in the other materials, and the pattern plays with those in the pillows nicely. If you're looking for something more classic, I'd do the last one.

Anonymous said...

love the jute and White moroccan..

Anonymous said...

love the jute and White moroccan..

jess said...

I like the Moroccan one, it seems versatile. I just started reading your blog, I love your house! Do you have any floorplan overview pictures?

Andy Mooers said...

Go with your gut. What you feel in your bones.

DanielleB. said...

Morrocan! You can change out pillows easily and keep the rug in place. Love it.

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