We spent all day
working in the yard and cleaning up after winter. The grass was mowed, timmed, edged, and fertilized. The weeds have been poisoned, tree wells raked out, and everything swept and hosed clean. It felt so good.

At the end of the day, we made a stop at the Valley Wide Home and Ranch Store for icecream. We deserved it. (Above: my yummy strawberry shortcake treat)

This morning we woke up to what I predict to be the very last,
wet, drippy snow of the season. (I'm sure glad we didn't plant the flowers yet!)

As for our tulips...the
suspense is killing me.
We got all our yard work done too!! We also have tulips and they remind me of you because they are your favorite!!
Yep. . . that sounds like just the right kind of day to make you happy! I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that your prediction about the snow is true and that you have blue skies and lots of sunshine.
Are you planning on planting a garden again this year? I have a little patio garden and our first tomatoes turned red and were ready to eat a few days ago. Hooray for green growing things!
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