Once upon a time, Andrew and Rachel Ashmore left their kingdom, traveling to the snowy mountains in search of a Christmas tree.
It was very, very cold. But Rachel kept warm, burrowed deep inside her thick velvet cloak, hooded and trimmed with sable fur.

And so they traveled in search of it while bald eagles, high overhead, kept watch for witches, woodsmen, and wicked step-mothers. 
Soon, the beautiful tree was spotted, and Andrew gallantly marked it, so it was not lost among the others in the forest.
After the tree was cut, happy little forest creatures transported it over the snow with a song. And Andrew and Rachel were happy.
But suddenly, a pack of ravenous wolves, sent by an evil snow queen, attacked the little band! She was jealous of their happiness and sought to steal the tree and burn it maliciously into coals! *cue evil laughter* Her devilish plot would have succeeded were it not for Andrew's masculine strength *sigh* and the magic of friendly wood fairies. The magic caused the wolves to become confused and they ran over the edge of a deep chasm to their deaths (This is only fair, as they were being very bad).
Under the continued magical protection of the fairies, the couple journeyed safely through the woods with their Christmas tree...while the sun smiled down on them from above...
...the sun's rays warming the snowy mountain considerably. *snort*
At the edge of the forest, the two travelers bid farewell to their animal friends. Then, they continued on, only stopping to rest themselves at an enchanting little delicatessan called...ahem...Frostop.
Finally, the pair and their lovely tree arrived at their castle home. Princess *cough* Becca, visited to help adorn the tree with sparkly jewels imported from the far away land of Wal-Mart...all while a roaring fire blazed on the big screen TV.
When they had finished, it was spoken of by the entire kingdom as the fairest Christmas tree in the land.
You're cute. Great story!
I only have one thing to say. . . you still make me smile!
Oh. . . and one more thing. . . I really like you and your wonderful imagination!
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