For instance, we've all seen that child at the grocery store who asks their parents for something, are told no, and then proceed to throw a tantrum. But isn't it common sense, that a parent giving in at this point, is training the child to throw a tantrum every time they want something?
If I scream loud enough, mom'll give me anything I want. That's what they are conditioned to think.
However, I see parents give in just because they want the screaming to stop. LAME. Then I get them in my third grade class, and have to deal with these whiny outbursts myself. That is, until they learn it will get them NOWHERE with me.
3.) Poor Grammar. I realize that I am not perfect. I hate catching myself screw up "your" and "you're" or "they're", "their", and "there." But there are a few grammar rules my mom drilled so thoroughly into my head that there is no escaping my battiness when people mess them up:
You may be good at golf, but you play golf very well.
You are NOT, "doing good," you are, "doing well."
You may be good at golf, but you play golf very well.
You are NOT, "doing good," you are, "doing well."
You don't, "got to," you, "have to."
You don't, "got something," you, "have something."
.You are not "done." The bread is "done." You are "finished."
.When you answer the phone:
It's not: "This is her." It is: "This is she."
And as I often hear in Idaho:
"I says to my brother..." should be, "I said to my brother..."
And it's not "we was," it's "we were."
And it's not "we was," it's "we were."
5.) Packing up early. Let me expain: It's the very end of Sunday school, and the teacher is wrapping up the lesson with the most important part: their testimony.
And yet, I often seem to miss it.
Why does everyone around me choose this moment to noisily snap shut their books, zip up their scripture cases, and gather up their bags? Just wait another second!
6.) Twisty ties. I throw them away immediately upon opening a bag of bread. Talk about a pointless waste of my time!
8.) Worms after rain. In Idaho, it is especially bad. After a spring rainstorm, I can't even walk on the sidewalk without squishing something. YUCK.
9.) Phone etiquette. I hate it when I am on the phone and the person I'm on the line with keeps having conversations with people around them. Half the time I don't know if they are talking to me, or to someone else, or even if they're listening to a thing I'm saying.
10.) Drama. You know those people who always seem to be in a crisis? The melodramatic is what they thrive on...what makes them feel alive. If they don't happen to have any real turmoil going on, they'll stir it up in those around them. I even had a friend who would simply fabricate it from her imagination. As adults, this got old real quick.
We're not in high school anymore.
12.) Slow drivers. I don't speed. I will set my cruise control to the exact speed limit (even in town) every chance I get. Sure, I get those who like to go a few miles over, whipping around me with a glare every so often, but wasting money on expensive tickets just doesn't appeal to me.
So, if there is someone driving slow enough that even I am frustrated, there's something wrong with that. Going thirty-five in a forty-five zone will make me irritated with you.
So, if there is someone driving slow enough that even I am frustrated, there's something wrong with that. Going thirty-five in a forty-five zone will make me irritated with you.
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