
"The girl totally fruck out!"
I thought it was a nice experiment with past tense.
2. A student informed the class that his big sister was having a baby soon. Taking the tone of someone who knows what they're talking about, he said:
"There's about a 90,000% chance of it being a boy...and a 5% chance that it's a girl."
(Can you guess the gender he's rooting for?)
3. This next kid tests my insanity with his distractedness. One day, in the middle of a discussion in math, this young man raised his hand and announced:
"My mom's mom has 4 eyes on the back of her head."
I'm not even joking. This was said with complete seriousness and with a look that showed he was preparing for us to be shocked and amazed. I think we were all shocked and amazed, just not in the manner he was intending.
There was silence for about 5 seconds while I processed what I had just heard and got control of my bearings. Finally, I decided it was probably best just to ignore it. Turning away from him, I continued right on with our math discussion.
4. I had just given the class some instructions, and they were busying themselves to accomplish the task. This same distracted kid, I found, however, to be wandering around the the opposite side of the classroom...doing only goodness knows what. When I reminded him of my instructions and asked him what he was doing, he sighed heavily and said:
"Sorry, Mrs. Ashmore. I get sidetracked very good!"
5. A student came up to me the moment he was off the bus.
"Mrs. Ashmore! Did you know that mermaids are real?! They are! It's true!"
"What makes you say that?" I asked with a sigh.
"They found one! It floated up to shark level and a shark killed it. Then it came all the way up to the top and people on a boat found it!"
(I stared at him for a moment.)
"Okay," was my response.
(How else do you respond to that story when it's told with such excitement and surety?)
6. Last year, we were having a class discussion about the presidential election. I was introducing the candidates and the concepts of political parties and platforms. I was just giving a very basic overview when a young lady raised her hand with a comment.
"Barack Obama believes in...abominations." She said the last word hesitantly, as if she wasn't sure she had said it correctly. I was confused, so I asked what she meant by that.
"He believes in killing babies."
Her words suddenly became clear to me.
"Oh, you mean abortion!
(she nodded)
"Yes...well...moving on!"
I wasn't about to discuss that topic with a bunch of other people's 8 year-olds. But secretly, I had responded within myself:
"Oh, that kind of abomination! Yes, you're right."
I highly enjoyed her innocent, yet very fitting mix-up. =)
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