1. The last few days have been in the 60's and 70's. I got a phone call from Andrew before I left work asking if I wanted to go on a bike ride. Heck Yes I Did! It hasn't been warm enough to ride a bike since before I can remember. (Idaho tends to have long winters)
2. My kids were coming in from lunch recess, flushed, sweaty, and with that unmistakable smell of warm weather that teachers recognize after spending a bit of time in enclosed spaces with 20+ warm-bodied children.
3. Every time I pulled up in the driveway, I took note of the ever decreasing piles of snow in our front yard. Yesterday, I celebrated when I saw I could announce that we are now officially snow free. (Thank you, thank you very much)
4. And then, I saw this...

My tulips are popping up!!!!!
Oh, Happy Day.
I could totally identify with your vivid explanations of Spring!!! yeah! I am excited.....but I must say I do not envy the experience of being in a human petri dish of 20 sweaty kids....yikes! Just keep your hands interlocked behind your head and don't touch anything!!! : ) Enjoy!
How Exciting!!!
I remember springtime in Rexburg. After all the endless cold and snow it was almost more exciting than Christmas! Enjoy watching your tulips push their way up through the ground and good luck with your 20 sweaty little ones. (I don't enjoy you that situation at all :)
Must be nice to HAVE a winter. The winters in AZ suck. Although I would hate living in snow.
pretty flowers coming your way!!
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