This is what I heard one of my third graders ask a classmate the other day. I had to laugh to myself, because they both sounded so serious and forlorn at the time. If they weren't 8 years old, I would have sworn I was overhearing a conversation between
two jail mates behind bars. I suppose I can see how at that age, having to work on homework (you failed to do the night before) during the same 15 minute recess that your friends are using to run free in the sun...might seem just as dramatic as a real live
prison sentence. =(
Wow! In some ways, you make me miss teaching. Kids are great aren't they? Sounds like you're doing good - which makes me happy! We are enjoying our new little Cadence here at home. Check out our blog at
Sounds like teaching comes with a few laughs. Too bad we can't laugh together about the office. Maybe we should make a road trip to come see you!
That`s funny!
Hey Ashmores! Love your blog and your new truck is sweet! Hope all is well!
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