
I shared the Valentine version of this subway art last month, and was pleased to see one for March. I thought I'd share the wealth. This one comes from the blog eighteen25.
I think mine adds a nice St. Patrick's Day Touch without being tacky.
Because let's face it: decorating for a holiday that revolves around little, green, beer drinkin' Irishmen can get tacky reeeal quick.

This is my favorite one. For some reason, it makes me think of Andrew.
Each one comes in 2 different color variations.
Get your minds out of the gutter.
Anyway. Here are a few ideas of my own.
{Mine is...after all these darn printables}
Stick some scrapbook paper in a frame for a super simple holiday statement.
Happy March!
Hey Rachel! How do you get the subway art st. patricks day thing...
Hey Mindi,
CLick on the name of the blog that the printable comes from {"two twenty one", "eighteen25", or "it's a crafty life"}. They should be linked to where you can find them. Let me know if you are still having trouble...
Thanks Rachel, I totally found it! I'm super excited to put it in a frame. What size did yours print out, 8x10?
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